Protecting Your Home: The Importance of Quality Exterior Paint

Protecting Your Home: The Importance of Quality Exterior Paint

While many people view exterior paint on their home as a touch of style and personality. The truth is that using high quality exterior paint provides a layer of protection that can help extend the life of their house. Good exterior paint not only resists the elements, it can also ward off mildew and fungus, meaning that your home is protected for longer.

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Best Paint Colors to Increase Your Home’s Resale Value

Best Paint Colors to Increase Your Home’s Resale Value

Traditionally, homeowners have painted their interiors white in preparing their houses for sale. While white was considered one of the best paint colors to increase your home’s resale value, recent reports have suggested that there are other, more enticing colors that may work to a greater degree. Using the right colors in the proper places inside the home may net you thousands of dollars more compared to simple white paint.

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How Often Should I Paint the Exterior of My House

How Often Should I Paint the Exterior of My House?

It’s the question that many homeowners ask when looking at the outside of their residences. Just how often should I pain the exterior of my house? The answer will depend on several factors. But most importantly you shouldn’t wait to paint the outside of your home until you see the obvious signs of wear. In fact, you should schedule a new paint job before the old one starts to look old.

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Should I Hire a Painter or Do it Myself

Should I Hire a Painter or Do It Myself? A Few Things to Consider

The question of should I hire a painter or do it myself normally boils down to whether you have the time, patience, and skill to do the job on your own. While a professional painter brings years of experience and a guarantee for their work, they can also be quite expensive. Depending on the size and type of painting job, it may be far more beneficial to do the work yourself.

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